Indian Brook Apartments Reviews

Reviews are very important to us and are the best way to let others know if our team has provided you with a great experience.

Austin RoneyAustin Roney

The buildings are very nice for the price you pay, but it is somewhat impossible to get ahold of the front office. As well they have cleaning procedures in the laundry rooms that they say they abide by, however; I’ve lived here since September and have never seen someone clean the laundry room let alone sanitize it. The same dust has been in the drier since move in.

Cheryl GriffithCheryl Griffith

The best apartment I ever had. Miss that place!! Never had a problem with no one. Wished I never moved ..

George LeitzeGeorge Leitze

The apartments are OK. My son used to live there. It was difficult to get management to fix problems that occur. Pretty convenient location. Prices were competitive.

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